How You Can Help Save the Fitness and Wellness Industry

pexels-william-choquette-1954524 Photo by William Choquette from Pexels

 What if there were a way you could help bring back the health and fitness industry while also investing in your own health and fitness too? GymWisely is a business that operates on a different model. We're invested in your health and wellness right alongside you, and the way we do that is through building partnerships with industry leaders in...

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  1066 Hits

Rethinking member acquisition in an evolving wellness industry


How is your wellness business attracting new members these days? You've probably noticed that a lot of the traditional, go-to strategies are just not working as well as they once were… Costs are higher, returns are lower and consumer trust in wellness advertising is declining across a number of platforms.  Socials - We...

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  1156 Hits

3 Key Advantages to Becoming a GymWisely Partner

3 Key Advantages to Becoming a GymWisely Partner Photo from mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

You're increasing ad-spend, offering reduced rates to everyone (or holding steadfast at one rate for everyone) and doing everything else under the sun to sway people from other serfices to yours... and so are all of your competitors.   Meanwhile consumers have made it loud and clear that wellness is a lifestyle. As such, wellnes...

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  1516 Hits

How wearable tech can improve your fitness routine


As wearable technology becomes increasingly popular, you may begin to wonder if it's worth the often hefty price tag. While manufacturers of smart watches and other wearable tech devices continue to find new ways to help you stay more connected, it's most prominent features continue to be ones centered around your health and fitness. Almost all dev...

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  1286 Hits

The Benefits of Joining GymWisely (Besides Saving You Money)

The Benefits of Joining GymWisely (Besides Saving You Money) Photo by stevepb from Pixabay

Sometimes, having just one of something isn't enough. I mean, who really reaches into a bag of Doritos, says to themselves "Oh, I'll just have one chip" and can actually stick to it? Kudos to you if you can! It's no different with your health and wellness memberships, except unlike Doritos, it's ok to stack more than a few options. Our goal at...

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  3971 Hits

What is Achiaro?


Holistic, Affordable, Membership Based Wellness from Achiaro Achiaro is a loyalty rewards platform that incentivizes people to do more for their overall wellbeing. Wellness providers (Gyms, studios, products, apps, services) offer personalized, non-public terms and pricing to you based on stuff you already do to stay healthy - the mo...

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  1325 Hits

GymWisely Launches Loyalty Program for Wellness Providers


In keeping with our mission to deliver the wellness industry smarter, no cost, member acquisition and retention solutions, we're proud to announce the GymWisely Loyalty Program! Fitness, Health & Mindfulness providers (Gyms, Studios, Apps, Services and Products) can now use white labeled, dynamically populated loyalty pages to: A) Create new, e...

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  1672 Hits

6 Reasons to use GymWisely for your next wellness purchase


GymWisely is a dynamic wellness marketplace that allows you to purchase personalized, custom made memberships offered by our partners specifically to fit with your lifestyle. Wellness providers (Gyms, studios, products, apps, services) offer you exclusive, non-public terms and pricing based on how much you're spending / doing for your wellness else...

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  3364 Hits

Retention Strategies for the New Year


It's a new year and for most people that means new beginnings, new endeavors and of course new resolutions. However, for the fitness and wellness industry, this also means that there are crazy discounts being shelled out by your competition on the daily, which may pull your most valued members away from your services.  With the ...

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  1201 Hits

Member Acquisition Costs are out of Control!

Member Acquisition Costs are out of Control!

Increased investment, competition and changes in the wellness industry are causing the demand for and cost of marketing wellness across just about every channel to skyrocket. Unfortunately, this rarely translates to a corresponding increase in valuable memberships and providers are getting squeezed at both en...

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  1159 Hits

Collaboration + Loyalty = Better Wellness Solutions for Providers and Members

Collaboration + Loyalty = Better Wellness Solutions for Providers and Members

The Fitness, Health and Wellness is historically competitive, now more than ever... But is a model based solely on competition helping or hurting both providers and consumers in the long run? Competition is great for motivating companies to create innovative and effective solutions for consumers. It encourages us to continually strive to do be...

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  1133 Hits

Get Paid for Participating - Beyond Member Acquisition


Generate Passive Recurring Revenue With Achiaro's Wellness Loyalty Platform You probably already know that you can generate new recurring revenue streams by creating and selling non-public Loyalty Rewards Memberships to members of other wellness providers as an incentive to use your brand as well. But did you know that providing your members w...

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  1095 Hits

Grow smarter with enhanced marketing and personalized offers.


We all know that reach, targeting, and conversions are key to any good growth strategy. You can have amazing reach, but if the targeting is off,  conversions will suffer. If your reach is low, but your audience and messaging is targeted, you'd probably be better served. Ideally we look to establish a huge audience consisting of highly tar...

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  1175 Hits

Using better data to grow your wellness business


How much do you REALLY know about your members? When a member signs up for your gym, studio, app, digital subscription product / wearable or other health service you are provided with some good information upfront to help you understand their wellness needs and interests. Then there are social platforms that help you target consumers based on educa...

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  1151 Hits

Why partner with Achiaro?

Why partner with Achiaro?

There's certainly no shortage of membership acquisition and retention apps and services out there and I'm sure you've tried and / or are probably using some right now. You might be asking, what makes Achiaro any different? Well, we built Achiaro specifically to make a huge improvement for the industry and our partners over existing a...

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  1429 Hits

YES, it is possible to gain members without compromising your brands value prop...


Your wellness brand is thriving because it was built with with a passion for your members well being. Trust, guidance, support, motivation, encouragement, accomplishment, results… These are the pillars that support your brand and keep your members coming back. So, when it comes to getting new members in the door, it's important ...

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  1134 Hits

GymWisely is now! Same great platform, more holistic, loyalty based options...


Why the change?  We wanted our name to reflect the holistic nature of our wellness loyalty rewards platform and the breadth of services we offer to our consumers. Achiaro, the root of which means light, is looking to illuminate the path to affordable, health-first, holistic wellness for members while generating more revenue, higher retention, ...

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  1085 Hits

What are Some Ways to Stay Active During the Winter Months


Winter brings on unique challenges when it comes to wellness. Especially during another covid surge, going to the gym or in-person exercise classes may not be the most appealing. However, there are a variety of alternatives that will allow you to stay active, or get active during the winter months. Why is it harder to be active in winter? There are...

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  1411 Hits

The Wellness Industry Looks to Loyalty Rewards for Improved Growth Strategies


The wellness industry is growing overall, and more people are looking to incorporate some form of fitness, mindfulness and health strategies into their lives than ever before, which is great news for everyone. But, there are a number of challenges and changes in the industry that providers need to be ready to confront now and in...

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  1488 Hits

Dance like no one's watching with 305 Fitness!


Treat yourself with outrageously fun workouts that boost confidence and help you reach your fitness goals. Dedicated to results, fun and good people, check them out!   Burn an average of 500+ calories in 45 minutes and strengthen your glutes, calves, core, and upper body No equipment necessary. Access world-class Instructors and the best ...

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  2434 Hits