By Rick Annichiarico on Wednesday, 08 December 2021
Category: Partner Series

Get Paid for Participating - Beyond Member Acquisition

Generate Passive Recurring Revenue With Achiaro's Wellness Loyalty Platform

You probably already know that you can generate new recurring revenue streams by creating and selling non-public Loyalty Rewards Memberships to members of other wellness providers as an incentive to use your brand as well. But did you know that providing your members with amazing offers through Achiaro also drives new passive revenue streams?? 

Yep, you heard right.  Every time one of your members registers with Achiaro and adds a new membership to their routine, you recieve a recurring revenue share from that memberships. Not only is Achiaro free to use for membership acquistion and retention, but you actually generate new passive, recurring revenue. This additional revenue can be a huge boost and is available immediately upon your free registration with Achiaro. Diversify you income into new wellness services you don't offer and / or location services you don't serve. 

There's a lot going on in the wellness industry and competition, covid protocols, changing consumer trends, and new technology can throw a jolt into anyone's core business. Be as prepared as possible for the unforeseen when you diversify your revenue streams for free with Achiaro. Become more flexible and resilient to the ebbs and flows of consumer demand and external market factors. Becoming a part of the Achiaro family means maximizing the highs of the good times and minimizing the lows of the down times. 

Being built specifically with the help in insights of Gyms, Studios, Fitness and Mindfulness Apps, Nutrition and Health Services, Digital Products and Wearables, we've created a technology that works to improve membership and revenue acquisition, retention, diversification, cost reduction and marketing efficiency. 

See below for all of the other advantages Loyalty Rewards can offer your business. 

Is Achiaro right for your business? Schedule a demo to find out.